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The purpose of this entire page, which is updated every single day (even on Sundays and obscure holidays) is not merely to impart knowledge. It is to:
1) Give you some interesting and diverse information to ponder, if you are in a pondering mood; and,
2) To give you a blast of important but little-known information that will make you feel and look like the "Smartest Guy Or Gal In The Room." This is your chance to outshine some of your nastiest, most aggressive competitors for promotions, bonuses or simply the spotlight that usually leaves you in the shadows quietly planning your own demise. No more! Now you can seem like the walking authority on just about everything. Just read this thing every day.
WARNING: It is not always advisable to act too intelligent or competent -- if you develop that type of a reputation, people will constantly asking you to do additional work. This is not recommended for civil service employees or persons with powerful professional or trade unions. This is also not recommended for those persons who are just plain lazy.
Special thanks to the people at The Free Dictionary -- a fabulous resource.
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