by Douglas Castle for http://aboutDouglasCastle.blogspot.com and for THE NATIONAL NETWORKER COMPANIES. Subscribe to TNNW by clicking on http://twitlik.com/OK .
How much do you want it? - Whatever it is - Again: How much do you truly desire it? It "it" a pressing need? A driving hunger? An unrealized dream?
If your heartfelt, lump-in-the-throat, wild-eyed answer is a raspy "I have to have it," then be prepared:
1. To pull out all of the stops and pull in all of the markers;
2. To accept that you are on a mission...or perhaps a quest;
3. To vow to yourself that you will absolutely not be stopped and will not quit until you've gotten it;
4. To put all other things second;
5. To find your allies and identify your enemies, but to understand that you are ultimately alone with your choice and your fate. But take comfort in that your fate is largely what you choose to make it.
Do whatever it takes. Do not leave this life with your book unwritten and your song unsung. Do not let anyone else discourage you, or deflate you or scorn you for wanting it (whatever it is) so much that you seem obsessed; or perhaps even possessed. You must defy inertia, other people's negativity, and your own fear to get what you desire. The only way to repay the vast indebtedness that your life owes your heart is by finishing, or by dying in the process of getting there.
Champions are not made by accident. Champions are made by fulfilling a pledge to themselves.
If you want it badly enough, you will do WHATEVER IT TAKES. If you deny yourself, the whole world loses.
Damn it all. Do it.
Douglas Castle

*Follow DOUGLAS CASTLE on TWITTER - http://twitter.com/douglascastle
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Labels and Terms, This Article: motivation, momentum, desire, dedication, loyalty to the mission, your life's journey, controlling your fate, fortitude, loneliness, personal growth, living meaningfully, Articles by Douglas Castle, Internal Energy Plus, The National Networker Companies, Braintenance, goals, focus, self-mastery, getting there...
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