Note: A most unusual posting where we combine observed bathroom antics and public health with probability.
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Dear Fellow Intellectual Elitists (some of whom are brilliant, and a few of which are self-defensively delusional) and Brain Barrier Busters:
It has been determined after many years of observation, study and statistical analysis, that only 1 in 8 males actually washes his hands immediately after using the restroom and prior to his exit. Knowing this disenchanting factoid, please answer the following questions:
1. If you are outside of the restroom (for whatever reason), and you are comp-elled by social obligation to shake hands with every individual who exists the restroom after having "done his thing," what is the probability (in terms of a percentage) that the first person whose hand you shake will have (whew!) washed his hands?
2. In the same circumstances as in 1), above, what is the probability that the third person whose hand you shake will have washed his hands?
3. If you shake hands with eight of these chaps in succession, what is the probability that you will have shaken the hand of any one person who will have washed his hands?
4. If you know that the person whom you have just shaken hands with was a non-washer, what is the probability that the next person emerging from the lavoratory will be a non-washer as well.
5. If you decide to become adventurous and wear gloves during every handshake for the first seven of eight successive handshakes, what is the likelihood that you will have shaken hands with a hand-washer when your gloves were off?
It's February 15th. I'll have answers for you by February 19th at latest.
Douglas Castle
p.s. A distasteful bonus: Do you find it ironic that the late, celebrated Helen Keller is regarded by many today as a visionary?

Tags, Labels and Terms: men, bathroom antics, sanitation, health regulations, probability, independent events, Bayes' Theorem, conditional probability, Douglas Castle, TNNWC services, liquidity crises, solid matter, gray matter, gray matters, Braintenance, RadioDAZZ, animusic, Human behavior, fun facts, word play, Lingovations, DouglasCastleBlogosphere.
humor, marketing, getting noticed, messaging, communications, creativity, visualization, imagination, Mad Marketing Tactics, Life Extension and Enhancement, technullity, observations, IQ, mental challenges, url-shortening services, RD Watkins, diversions, education, entertainment, The Blue Tuesday Report, Buzzology, Buzz-To-Brand.
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