Note:The article which follows has nothing to do with TNNWC's GIST VIDEO, but I would be sadly remiss if didn't advise you to learn more, while laughing, at . When you are about to make a presentation to an important aristocrat who only has two or three minutes to spare (because he is going to visit his concubines, or to have dinner with a head of state, or to write a Haiku about climate change...) you MUST use the most efficient means of conveying your idea. We might just have that - you, or your company can have it, too.
It is politically incorrect to describe a person or idea as being "RETARDED." But...
Dear Friends, Readers, TNNWC Members and Esteemed Colleagues:
As Rahm Emmanuel would sadly tell you (after a neck-vein-popping tirade of expletives, as is the "Rahmulan Style"), after his public chastisement by Sarah Palin for his use of the term "retarded" in reference to an idea, which he believed was, well, retarded. Being PC is important -- it is an elusive skill wherein you must "communicate" without making any value judgments, quantitative or qualitative comparisons between or among people, indication of any distaste for anything, except terrorism (and that is a maybe, depending upon a] who is commiting the act, and b] the motivation behind it).
It is a pallid, vapid, acceptance of all things that ultimately negates the expression of opinion almost altogether. More often than not, it means we are not allowed, in polite company, to speak either candidly or truthfully. We speak in painfully measured euphemisms, without any spark of spontaneous, heartfelt truth. In trying so desperately to be inoffensive, we are actually becoming either liars or, by default, nobodies in a state of either quiet desperation, or in a complete emotional and intellectual deep-freeze.
Ironically, when it comes to partisan politics, campaigning or aspiring public servants and their handlers are the only ones who can speak of "wrong" or "right." They are a privileged class of persons permitted to say nasty, judgmental things about the character, performance, and views of those against whom they are competing. The only socially permissible exception to being PC is when discussing politics - negative campaigning is now the accepted convention.
We do not have better or worse -- we now have "different." People who were once crippled became handicapped, and ultimately graduated to being "challenged." The neighboorhood heroin addict become a "substance abuser". The chronic drunkard became a "victim of alcholism," which, like mesothelioma, is a disease. Fidgety children became patients to be treated (with powerful psychotropic medications) for an emotional disorder called ADHD. I used to have problems, but now I have only issues which can be dealt with by using "coping strategies and tools."
All of the foregoing stuff seems retarded to me. I apologize to those folks who are actually intellectually impaired due to illness or incident, and to those in a state of insurmountable emotional development or with learning disabilities. I offer no apologies to those people who are just plain stupid, and take the actions necessary to prove it.
I came across a wonderful article written by Suzi Parker a day or so ago in AOL NEWS. She speaks about a university whose students were going to be treated (at their expense, in a very tight economy) to a paid speech on abstinence to be delivered by Bristol Palin.
As it turns out, the students did not fancy this idea and rallied, via Facebook, to nix the Bristol Stomp. Bristol has since cancelled her would-have-been-well-paid commencement speech. Thank you, every one of you students who presented your strong feelings against this waste of your funds and time. You are to be complimented on forthrightly questioning the wisdom of the persons making the selection of Ms. Palin as your inspiration and role model.
Please read the article which follows, and then click on the Facebook link -- go along with the thread of comments; it will renew your faith in the potential of America's youth to truly think and act intelligently, reasonably and responsibly. These young people give me some new hope.
Enjoy the article.
Bristol Palin's Washington University Appearance Canceled Amid Protests
Bristol Palin will not be speaking about abstinence at Washington University in St. Louis next month.
The university said in an e-mailed statement, "The student group that invited Bristol Palin...has mutually agreed with her not to proceed with a contract regarding Palin's participation in a panel discussion at Washington University on Feb. 7."
The university's Student Health Advisory Committee invited Palin, who became a single mother at 18 and is now a spokeswoman for the prevention of teen pregnancy, to speak on abstinence during Washington University's student Sexual Responsibility Week. That week will focus on creating an open sexual dialogue on campus.
Students started a protest via Facebook to halt Palin's appearance, which would have been paid for with student-generated funds. It had been reported that she would receive between $15,000 and $30,000 to speak.
A Facebook group called "Keep Bristol Palin out of the sex discussion at Washington University" said, "It's not about conservative or liberal, it's about not wasting our money on people who don't matter...especially people who are only famous for being the teenage pregnant daughter of a politician. That is not a credential -- it's a gimmick. So reach across the aisle -- and stand up and say something."
That group also launched a petition as did the university's College Democrats.
Palin, who was a finalist on last year's "Dancing With The Stars," is an ambassador for The Candie's Foundation, which aims to prevent teen pregnancy.
Last week, Palin appeared at a charity fundraiser in Texas that benefitted the nonprofit Central Texas Orphan Mission Alliance, which takes an anti-abortion stance. Sarah Palin also appeared last week in Texas for a fundraiser for Lubbock Christian School.
The university said in its statement that Dr. Katie Plax, head of adolescent medicine and associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics at Washington University School of Medicine, would participate on the panel instead of Palin.
The university said in an e-mailed statement, "The student group that invited Bristol Palin...has mutually agreed with her not to proceed with a contract regarding Palin's participation in a panel discussion at Washington University on Feb. 7."
The university's Student Health Advisory Committee invited Palin, who became a single mother at 18 and is now a spokeswoman for the prevention of teen pregnancy, to speak on abstinence during Washington University's student Sexual Responsibility Week. That week will focus on creating an open sexual dialogue on campus.
Students started a protest via Facebook to halt Palin's appearance, which would have been paid for with student-generated funds. It had been reported that she would receive between $15,000 and $30,000 to speak.
A Facebook group called "Keep Bristol Palin out of the sex discussion at Washington University" said, "It's not about conservative or liberal, it's about not wasting our money on people who don't matter...especially people who are only famous for being the teenage pregnant daughter of a politician. That is not a credential -- it's a gimmick. So reach across the aisle -- and stand up and say something."
That group also launched a petition as did the university's College Democrats.
Palin, who was a finalist on last year's "Dancing With The Stars," is an ambassador for The Candie's Foundation, which aims to prevent teen pregnancy.
Last week, Palin appeared at a charity fundraiser in Texas that benefitted the nonprofit Central Texas Orphan Mission Alliance, which takes an anti-abortion stance. Sarah Palin also appeared last week in Texas for a fundraiser for Lubbock Christian School.
The university said in its statement that Dr. Katie Plax, head of adolescent medicine and associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics at Washington University School of Medicine, would participate on the panel instead of Palin.
Filed Under: Woman Up
Tagged: abstinence, abstract, bristol palin, candies foundation, dailyguidance, dancing with the stars, Sarah Palin, speaking fee, Washington University, Washington University in St. Louis
####Tags, Labels and Terms for This Article: Suzi Parker, AOL, Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin, abstinence, sex education, Facebook, rallying, questioning authority, Politically Correct, euphemisms, Rahm Emmanuel, profanity, subjectivism, students, young minds, free expression, collaboration, social media, Douglas E. Castle, TNNWC Group, community organizers, negative campaigning, partisan politics, Lingovations, The National Networker Weekly Newsletter, management, leadership, responsibility, publicity, public opinion, DouglasCastleBlogosphere, states of denial, speaking truthfully, morality, innovation, future entrepreneurs and leaders, educational standards, quality of education, star power, humor, sarcasm, Braintenance, The Global Futurist, The Internationalist Page, debate, journalism, life skills, courageous youth, The Daily Burst Of Brilliance .001, TNNWC Gist Video, retarded, self-deception, mass social hypnosis, status quo, revolution, mental health, social trends, political trending, prognostication, technullity, lipstick on the pig, TNNWC Buzzworks, buzz-to-brand, celebrities, social decay, social standards, Ayn Rand, rocket surgery...
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