Subliminal Tapes To Re-Program Yourself
As promised, and for a wonderful change of pace, I wanted to offer you these FREE subliminal personal re-programming tapes in order to strengthen your self-esteem, resolve, and emotional fortitude. In these three tapes (which you can listen to either with headphones or through your computer's (or other device's) speakers, subliminal suggestions are embedded against a backdrop of gentle sound and binaural beats to maximize entrainment and retention. These tapes were not made by me, and I do not make any guarantees as to their quality or effectiveness -- but I believe that, at very least, you'll find that they make you feel better, generally speaking. And we Braintenance Neuron Knitters are always in need of that!
Simply click on each of the programs below, enjoy it, hit the "BACK" button in your browser, and return to this page. You'll likely achieve the best result by listening to each recording once in the early morning, and once before bedtime. Yep -- this could be a four- or five-day project. Maybe more.
By the way, if you'd like to download a .pdf file (for your repeated use or sharing) of this entire post with live hyperlinks to the programs, simply click on
Here are your Programs:
Enjoy them, and welcome to the Year Of The Dragon!
Douglas E Castle [] for