Thursday, March 7, 2013

Trick Your Mind Into Expanding! - Braintenance

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The above is unrealistic - If you are truly paying attention, you can focus your full awareness upon only one object or task at a time.

Braintenancers - You've seen advertisements and advertorials on TV about "tricking" and "confusing" your body's muscles into growth and clearer definition. This confusion theory is absolutely true and is genuinely effective. The mind responds the same way to confusion and the need for resolution, or to alternating between one type of thinking task and another. I have an interesting exercise which will force your brain to shift gears -- this initiates, creativity, imagination, cognition, memory and many other wonderful brain benefits.

The exercise is very simple, but is time-consuming, so please do it in the evening, when you have a clear hour-long block of time and nothing to interfere with your exercise and experience -- it only requires the following steps:

1) Listen to a binaural/subliminal entrainment audio recording which will stimulate those parts of the brain that heighten wakefulness (not nervousness or stress) and gear your state of mind to a razor-sharp focus.

2) Rest for one minute.

3) Listen to a binaural/subliminal entrainment audio recording which will give you a nice, relaxing dose of alpha; your mind's most free-flowing and creative state.

4) Listen to the first recording (as in step #1) again.

5) Rest for one minute.

6) Set a timer and spend five minutes digging deeply into your earliest childhood memories, with as much sensory and emotional detail as you can recall or relive.

7) Set a timer and spend five minutes picturing in full sensory detail the future which you truly wish for yourself. Think of it in very real terms as if you were 'in' that future.

That's all. Access to the two audios that you'll need is right here:



Headphones would be of benefit, but are not required. Just sit back in a comfortable chair and be certain that the sound is loud enough to drown out any ambient noise.

You'll want to do this simple exercise once per week (on that "off" night), so be certain to bookmark this page or to make it a favorite. You'll notice changes in your mental dexterity and flexibility even after you've done this Braintenance Exercise only once. Do it once weekly, and not more frequently, as that would defeat the purpose.

"Confusion, and the body's and mind's innate need to sort things out, is one of the greatest initiators of real change, strengthening and growth." -DEC

Douglas E. Castle for The Braintenance Blog,

-- sponsored by CrowdFunding Incubator LLC.

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