Dear Friends:
Firstly, I would like to give you some answers to some of the questions about your brain, mind and intelligence. Secondly, I'd like to offer you some clues on how to find the balance of the answers -- those answers to the questions which I won't give you outright.
For the unanswered questions, I will just provide you with strings of words to be put into certain of the search engines in order to generate information (in the form of articles, websites, etc.) from which you can harvest the answers yourselves.
By the way, when using search engines, you must understand how they "think"...that is, how they process informational requests. For example, if you want every word in a group of words to be found in each response generated, you must use the plus sign (+) between each word; if you want the words to be in a certain sequence, you must put quotation marks around those words.
An interesting use a search engine, you must organize the way you think and present requests for information. Another interesting observation...when you use search engines, you are partnering your mind with a machine. The better your understanding of the machine, the more successful your results. Sadly, the machine cannot learn how you think -- but you, being a sentient and highly-evolved life form (with the notable exception of my neighbor, Sid), can learn how the machine "thinks."
Here we go:
1. How many cells does the average adult human brain contain? Approximately 100 billion cells (principally neurons).
2. What does the average adult human brain weigh? Between 2.25 and 3.25 pounds. There is no correlation between brain weight and intelligence.
3. What is the name of the tissue that separates the two hemispheres of the human brain? The corpus callosum.
4. What percentage of the brain's capacity do researchers believe that we use at any given time?
This is a ridiculous question, of course. The myth about 10% of capacity being used at any one time, or for any one task, is a wild understatement. Scientists do not know how to gauge, or by which physical standard to measure the brain's total capacity, or the extent to which certain parts of the brain work (in the "background") to support conscious and unconscious activities. For an interesting view, click on .
5. As we gain knowledge or do mental gymnastics, what happens to the physical brain?
intelligence, brain physiology, brain morphology, convolutions, correlation between brain use and brain physiology/morphology, correlation between intelligence and brain physiology/morphology...GOOD LUCK.
6. What is the difference between the brain and the mind?
Brain versus mind...GOOD LUCK.
7. What part of the brain is associated with appetite?
Brain, appetite, control...GOOD LUCK
8. What part of the brain is associated with conscious thought? The cerebrum.
9. What part of the brain is is associated with autonomic ("unconscious") bodily functions and "maintenance" activity? Brain, function, autonomic activity, unconscious bodily functions...GOOD LUCK.
10. What does "IQ" stand for, and what does it really measure? "Intelligence Quotient" is a measure which predicts how well a person can reason, and can be expected to perform typical academic tasks. Its relevence is as questionable as the actual nature of intelligence, itself.
11. Can destroyed or damaged brain cells be re-grown? Yes - thankfully, they can. For further information about this, click on .
12. Can a brain cell associated with one function "learn" to take over another function? Yes.
13. What do researchers think actually happens to the brain with the outset of Alzheimer's disease? You're on your own: alzheimer's, morphology, causes, effects on the brain, symptoms, physiological changes to the brain, predictive factors...GOOD LUCK.
14. What part of the brain is actually a crystalline body? The rest of it seems rather mushy by comparison... The pineal body (sometimes called the pineal gland) - this is worth researching further. Q: What function does the pineal body serve? What does it create or secrete? When is it most active?
15. What brain wave pattern is associated with deep sleep? The delta brain wave, especially during deep, dreamful sleep. It is during these delta periods that the brain manufactures the greatest amounts of Human Growth Hormone.
16. What brain wave pattern is associated with normal wakefulness? The beta brain wave.
Douglas Castle

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