FROM: The Global Futurist - "Determinism - Tough Questions"

Sometimes it seems as if all of the future were predetermined by a force or forces beyond the scope of our control. Are we wasting our time trying to change things...or can we genuinely create constructive change and truly shape our own destinies?
Just as curiously, do we permit the future to "run its course" by the self-fulfilling prophesy associated with believing that the future is predetermined? An example, culled from real life:
If I do not believe that my vote will make a difference, and I therefore choose not to cast any vote, am I acknowledging the inevitable, or am I passively creating an outcome? Is it possible that those other prospective voters who do not feel as I do ultimately gain the power (by their participation in the voting process) to shape the future? By my failure to vote, am I decreasing my ability to write the script to my future, and empowering the voting population to write the script for me?
Just what effect do we (and can we) have on the future? What effect, if any, do our belief systems have on our ability to shape the future?
Pause for a moment, just to think about these matters.
Douglas Castle

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