Monday, June 13, 2011

Think Outside Of Your Own Head - Command And Control Your Mind.

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Thinking is a wonderful exercise, if you are the master of your mind, and you are willing to proactively focus it in a productive direction...If you think in obsessive and expanding cycles, or dwell on things, what you are doing instead is allowing your mind to run you -- and it will indeed run you into self-doubt, anxiety, depression and a loss of perspective.

Be the Commander of your Mind.

Here are some seemingly irrelevant things to ponder in order to give your mind a good workout...if these distract you from your customary self-pity and introspection, if these derail the train of your soul's own undoing, then I've done you a favor. Actually, since you've made the choice to go forward and ponder these ponderables, you've done yourself a favor.

Always be aware of your thinking -- try, although it might seem difficult, to detach yourself from your thinking process, and become an observer...sort of "walking around and watching" yourself. Try it. Think constructively. "Think outside of your own head,"as a brilliant friend of mine once said many years ago. Control and own your thoughts from the outside in. Sounds confusing? Good.


1) When you say that you don't "smell," good, which side of the nose are you on? It could be either. In one case you are malodorous; in the other, you may be suffering from sinus congestion, allergies, or a breakdown of the olfactory apparatus, rendering you unable to appreciate the redulance of a rose [ahem].

2) Can a person consistently be inconsistent?

3) Can a pathological liar actually be telling you the truth when he "confesses" to you that he always lies?

Fun with etymology (a bonus):

What are the origins of the expression "Shut your pie hole?"

That should hold you for a bit.


Douglas Castle
Braintenance Advocate

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