Synergy and harmony are very much separate manifestations of the same phenomenon. This mysterious creation of an extra amount of value (or extra energy, or joy, or profit, or power over emotions or matters)defines the conventional laws of mathematics as it does physics.
When two instruments play together, or two or more voices sing together and and they create harmony, there is a coordinated richness far greater than that which would be rendered by any one component playing its melody a capella.
When two persons work together and produce an innovation, an invention or a process which is far greater than either of them could have possibly done in a solo environment, or even merely additively, an extra increment of energy is created, sort of like in an exothermic reaction.
While this sometimes makes me prone to think of the notion of critical mass and a nuclear explosion, perhaps harmony and synergy are more the product of an ethereal expression of exponentially enhanced creative energy.
I was a musician long before my first foray into the world of negotiating mergers and joint ventures. Perhaps we can all reconsider synergy to be more than just the "whole being greater than the sum of the parts." Perhaps synergy is when assets, Human or otherwise, work in harmony to produce a kind of quantifiable music.
This is an amazingly rich piece of music. Chuck Mangione on flugelhorn (without his customary cannabis-cracked notes), Esther singing at her clearest, and most beautiful voice. A wild conga (a real one) which builds up as more and more instruments join into the dance. A wonderful, living, vital beat -- bright and exciting.
Welcome to: Land of Make Believe- Chuck Mangione, Esther Satterfield & Hamilton Philharmonic.
Beautiful dynamics, and delicate orchestral expression on multiple levels. God - please save the music.
Go ahead and swing your shoulders. Dazz would. Enjoy this. Take a break from the corporate routine. If you feel the urge to don a large straw hat filled with assorted fruit, I won't tell anyone. I've done it, myself. In fact, I once balanced a book on my head while I boogied around my office listening to this song at full blast. Really.
Once back from psych leave, I did it again!
The song is just...explosively exciting. It is a celebration of the gift of music to Humankind. It is the synergy that I understood long before my alter ego threw himself into the business world to negotiate joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions.
A well-constructed business relationship is simply an alternative expression of harmony.
Aside to Martin Luther King: The dream lives -- it is just in hiding. - Douglas
Radio DAZZ!
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