Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Associative Context Spoils Your Fun - Braintenance

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The image below strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest persons. It is always worrisome and is universally annoying. It's clearly a sad case of "associative context". If you were to see this little video without knowing what it signified [for example, if you were living in certain parts of the Amazon rainforest], you might actually find it mesmerizing and quite soothing. Why not share it with everyone you know?

 Douglas E. Castle

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BRAINTENANCE: Train, Strain And Improve Your Brain. Expand Your Mind.

Braintenance contains articles, resources, exercises, games and specially-designed protocols to improve the power of your brain and your mind in every significant aspect, including memory, cognition, IQ, plasticity, creativity and problem-solving ability.

Key Terms: brain, mind, cognitive enhancement, memory, brain gym exercises, IQ, plasticity, mind expansion, creativity, meditation, altered states, perception, self-hypnosis, self-growth, neuron, artificial intelligence, learning, somatic intellect, mathematics, language, dissonance, individualism, herd mentality, puns and word games, linguistics, genius, emotion, subconscious, unconscious, intuition, instinct, psychedelic, reality, learning curve, probability, collective consciousness

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Brainstorming Techniques: Top Proven Methods

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Utilize Brainstorming To Unleash The Power Of Your Mind

Your mind is an endlessly powerful, multi-dimensional multipurpose tool. Regardless of its incredible power, too much conscious focus on attaining a particular goal or on solving a specific, perplexing problem eventually causes a sort of “burnout,” where creative methods and solutions become increasingly elusive as you become increasingly fatigued.

It is at times like these, when the indirect subconscious approach, i.e., solo brainstorming, can provide us with a renewed perspective. While most people talk about brainstorming in groups (“let's toss some ideas around and see what we come up with...”), in this article we'll find ways of brainstorming alone using a combination of techniques and approaches.

At its best, brainstorming is a means of combining the power of the subconscious with the power of the collective consciousness – where your subconscious (without your conscious interference) picks up signals from the ever-growing pool of wisdom on tap in the universe [you may not believe in this notion of collective consciousness, but there is an increasing body of evidence, albeit anecdotal, which makes the case and lends credence to its existence].

At its worst, what we refer to as “brainstorming” simply provides a means of cooling the consious mind down and allowing it to reboot when it is ready [assuming, of course, that your subconscious knows how to signal your conscious mind into renewed wakefulness on demand].

Here are some steps, simply outlined, that you can use to get your mind properly attuned to brainstorming and into the process of brainstorming:

===+ Firstly, relax your conscious mind and let it drift away. You can accomplish this by simple meditation (listening to meditative music) or viewing a hypnotic visual pattern for ten or fifteen minutes. Get your mind ready to brainstorm. If you need some meditative audio and visual, YouTube is an excellent source. I sometimes simply use hypnotic patterns, as they provide some good meditative material. You might try for a ten-minute mind prep for brainstorming. Relax your mind and body and simply focus on the audio and the visual. Get lost in the flow of patterns of vision and sound.

===+ Choose a brainstorming approach from the list below, and put it into play (since life is an experiment and the world is your laboratory, try each of these techniques at least once and find which works best for you – be an adventurer):

Technique 1: Take out a yellow lined pad, and write in five words or less a description of the problem you are trying to solve or the result which you are trying to achieve. Then, under each word, taking one word at a time, write the next word which comes to mind through free association. You'll wind up with several very long columns of words, and a pile of ideas as to how to advance your mental task to the next step. It works.

Technique 2: Take the initial steps outlined in Technique 1, create your sentence, look at it for one minute, then close your eyes (this works best while you're sitting in a comfortable chair), and let your mind form pictures using either the brief sentence, a word from the sentence, or a few letters from a single word or words. Ideas will emerge from your internal narration of each of the pictures. Your creativity will be running wild, and that's precisely what you want.

Technique 3: Take out a dictionary, start with any letter you'd like, and read each word once aloud, and follow it with a single simple thought about how that word directly or remotely relates (it doesn't matter how remote the association is) to the problem that you are trying to solve or the objective that you're trying to achieve. After a brief while, new ideas will pop into your head, framed in a new perspective.

Each of the above techniques is associative, distracting, invites daydreaming and does not permit you to address the probem or goal in a conventional, linear approach. The above three “out of the box” brainstorming approaches will help you to be far more creative than you would otherwise be if you just kept thinking and efforting head-on.

Labels, Tags, Keywords, Categories And Search Terms For This Article:
brainstorming, creativity, meditation, problem-solving, free association, distraction, subconscious, collective consciousness, Douglas E. Castle, The Braintenance Blog, goal achievement, GEI Consulting, Global Edge International

As always, thank you for reading me.

Douglas E. Castle

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BRAINTENANCE: Train, Strain And Improve Your Brain. Expand Your Mind.

Braintenance contains articles, resources, exercises, games and specially-designed protocols to improve the power of your brain and your mind in every significant aspect, including memory, cognition, IQ, plasticity, creativity and problem-solving ability.

Key Terms: brain, mind, cognitive enhancement, memory, brain gym exercises, IQ, plasticity, mind expansion, creativity, meditation, altered states, perception, self-hypnosis, self-growth, neuron, artificial intelligence, learning, somatic intellect, mathematics, language, dissonance, individualism, herd mentality, puns and word games, linguistics, genius, emotion, subconscious, unconscious, intuition, instinct, psychedelic, reality, learning curve, probability, collective consciousness

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Monday, July 13, 2015

Memorization Exercises To Boost Brainpower -- Braintenance -- Douglas E. Castle

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Memorizing and being able to repeat certain types of sentences does more than build up your facility for rote memorization. The improvement in simple recall is actually the least of it! Memorizing the sentences which follow will strengthen your ability to visualize, organize and to think creatively. Memorize each of the seven sentences (or groups of sentences) which follow, one at a time. Then recite each one aloud several times. Get smarter, make more associative connections and have a bit of neural plasticity on the house! Ahoy, Braintenancers:

1) Let me repeat your order. You bought twenty apples, thirty oranges and fifteen bananas which you paid for using your Discover Card.

2) The parties agree that due to the many variables surrounding each business transaction that will occur because of this agreement, the commission to be paid between the parties may vary.

3) Contrarians don't generally agree with veterinarians who refuse to treat planarians with microscopic plantar warts.

4) She ran into the bathroom, slipped on the wet floor and fell downward, hitting her head on the side of the porcelain bathtub.

5) Can you tell me where the coffee cans can be hidden? Are they beneath the begonias in Mr. Brighton's flower bed?

6) He longed for lodging near the lakeside lounge area where his paramour was enjoying her pajama-clad paradise and pretending that those about her were not staring.

7) Two times seven equals fourteen, but if you add an additional six to the mix the total sum will soon become twenty, and as if that weren't plenty, if you multiply by three the result will be sixty.

Good luck with these, my fellow (and lady) Brainiacs. Do these Braintenance exercises and feel your cranial vault crawling with newly-inspired activity.

As always, thank you for reading me.

Douglas E. Castle for The Braintenance Blog 

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BRAINTENANCE: Train, Strain And Improve Your Brain. Expand Your Mind.

Braintenance contains articles, resources, exercises, games and specially-designed protocols to improve the power of your brain and your mind in every significant aspect, including memory, cognition, IQ, plasticity, creativity and problem-solving ability.

Key Terms: brain, mind, cognitive enhancement, memory, brain gym exercises, IQ, plasticity, mind expansion, creativity, meditation, altered states, perception, self-hypnosis, self-growth, neuron, artificial intelligence, learning, somatic intellect, mathematics, language, dissonance, individualism, herd mentality, puns and word games, linguistics, genius, emotion, subconscious, unconscious, intuition, instinct, psychedelic, reality, learning curve, probability, collective consciousness

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Friday, July 3, 2015

Meditation : Living In The Moment - Braintenance - Douglas E. Castle

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One of the keys to eliminating anxiety, depression and distraction is the meditative exercise of living in the moment. Doing this requires that you focus intently on all of the myriad sensations which you are experiencing in a single moment of conscious living.

This is a challenge for most individuals, who are more accustomed to ruminating over the past or anticipating the future. Even the most intelligent persons (and certainly all followers and dedicated practitioners of Braintenance) are preoccupied with thoughts which are "out of sync" with the living, full-sensory experience of the present moment.

While the meditative exercise of present-moment living will not, per se, increase your mental magnitude and specific sets of thinking and problem-solving brain skills, it will indirectly benefit your thought processing mechanisms by allowing your overly-conscious mind to take a brief vacation from excessive cerebration. The mind, as any other muscle, needs its rest.

Try to take just five to ten minutes daily to focus intently upon every feeling of your mind and body while conducting a simple rote task. Focus consciously upon the sight, smell, visual picture, physical feeling and other basic but ever-present (and too often ignored) "feelings" of your experience in that present moment. With true present-moment focus and practice, you will find that the constant background noise of your out-of-sync, past-related and future-anticipated thinking will dissipate.

Fans of Braintenance -- this daily meditation is absolutely worth the effort, as it can help to prevent mental fatigue and burnout, while eliminating negative stress. Now (he said paradoxically), stop thinking about doing it and just do it!

Thank you as always for reading me.

Douglas E. Castle for The Braintenance Blog

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*Want some excellent keys, hints and exercises for living in the present moment? Click HERE

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BRAINTENANCE: Train, Strain And Improve Your Brain. Expand Your Mind.

Braintenance contains articles, resources, exercises, games and specially-designed protocols to improve the power of your brain and your mind in every significant aspect, including memory, cognition, IQ, plasticity, creativity and problem-solving ability.

Key Terms: brain, mind, cognitive enhancement, memory, brain gym exercises, IQ, plasticity, mind expansion, creativity, meditation, altered states, perception, self-hypnosis, self-growth, neuron, artificial intelligence, learning, somatic intellect, mathematics, language, dissonance, individualism, herd mentality, puns and word games, linguistics, genius, emotion, subconscious, unconscious, intuition, instinct, psychedelic, reality, learning curve, probability, collective consciousness

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