Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mind Is Master Over Your Body: And Your Future!

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The mind is master over the body. If you fully understand this, and if you apply this and put it to meaningful use, then you can accomplish anything. You can control your body weight, musculature, wakefulness, creativity, energy, drives and the course to your achievement of any goal.

The rule is this: If you can envision any future goal (with full, multi-sensorial, exacting detail -- as if you were living in it and fully immersed in it -- a sort of "time machine" virtual reality) in the present, and continue to perceive that goal to point of obsession, and ultimately to the full embodiment of acceptance, your mind will direct your body to make the choices and to take the steps necessary to the attainment of your goals.

Most of this voodoo takes place through the action of the subconscious and the super conscious, with the lagging participation of the conscious mind in a third place position.

This has practical applications in every aspect of health, life and your business, profession or career. The force of the mind is only beginning to be understood -- but by all estimations, it is far more vast, with more capabilities, than we had thought in years past.

The principle behind The Braintenance Blog is that if you can strengthen and master your mind, you can extend that mastery to every single aspect of the experience of your life.

Try these very varied exercises to strengthen you mind, and to strengthen your mind-body control abilities:

1) Close your eyes and imagine, in full sensorial detail, exactly (suspend any limiting beliefs, biases, or past experiences, if negative) what you want your future to look like, smell like, sound like and feel five years from now. Live in it. remain immersed in it. You might want to set an alarm for 10 minutes to give you a precise amount of time for this. You must be uninterrupted. You must focus completely, you must live the dream. If you do this properly, you will be able to recall the fullness of the experience anytime you choose. Choose to remember it and to be immersed in it several times daily. Project yourself into that future as a brief vacation from the rigors of the present. Know in your conscious mind that by doing this, you will arrive at that future.

This involves some meditation, self-hypnosis, NLP, Time Line Therapy, creative visualization and some discipline -- not discipline to do things (as this will happen naturally), but discipline to think in this way.

2) Find the next number in each of the following sequences of numbers (key: learn the rule, and then extrapolate):

  • 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, __
  • 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, __
  • 1100, 1010, 1001, 0110, 1101 __
  • 0, 2, 2, 4, 6, 10, 16, 26, 42,__
  • 2, 20, 200, 2,000, 20,000 __
  • 6, 24, 120, 720, 1,540, _____

3) Watch the following video, without any interruption, and with complete suspension of any limiting beliefs or cynicism -- watch as if you were a fascinated child:

I'll have some answers for exercise number 2 for you next time. Don't try to figure out why I chose these three particular exercises in this particular order. Just understand (and believe) that this was done for you purposefully.


Douglas E. Castle for The Braintenance Blog, The Daily Dose Of Brilliance Blog, The Global Futurist Blog, and The Internationalist Page Blog. [phew]

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mind To Mind Communication ... Brain To Brain Conversation

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We are fascinated by the notions of ESP (extrasensory perception), simultaneous breakthroughs or visions, brainwaves, mind reading, mind-linking and other phenomena involving the possibility and potentiality of direct interpersonal communications conducted mind-to-mind using either brainwaves or some "amplification" or "linking" technology.

Most of the confusion in our world is caused by the distortion of original message transmissions through excessive ambient noise, interruptions, and other sources and types of error which intervene between the message transmitter and the message recipient. If communication were done mind to mind (especially if this could be done in full sensorial signals), dishonesty and distortion would disappear, and exact meaning, intent and feeling could be conveyed unfettered.

The possibilities for simultaneous or synchronized action, multiple mind intelligence potential, teaching, learning, collaborating and stepping up the power of a participant's intellect by his or her being able to access this "mind cloud" at will would be significant enough to warrant being termed a quantum leap in the evolution of the Human species.

If the process could be turned on or off voluntarily by either or both parties (not unlike my Skype), we could conceal our thoughts and have very separate agendas. But if the process were turned on and kept on, the possibility of concealment or dishonesty would be small indeed. Opening up our minds to each other carries its share of positive and negative aspects.

One frightening possibility would be the possible sense of a loss of self, or of the "I' in our thinking. We could lose our identities as individual creatures, or we could become a world where former individuals function as do bees in a hive [remember the Star Trek episode where Picard encounters "Borg," a supposed collective mind which wants to "absorb his mind into its collective group consciousness. I reiterate that yesterday's science fiction is often tomorrow's science fact.

An entertaining and thought-provoking article follows from BigThink's Daily IdeaFeed Newsletter:

Brain-to-brain communication would involve not just the exchange of information, but also the transmission of emotions and feelings, "because these are also part of the fabric of our thoughts.". . . Read THE ENTIRE ARTICLE;

I am reasonably certain that The Braintenance Blog will have a great deal more to say about breakthroughs in the fields of the electromagnetism of the brain, brainwave and though transmission mechanisms and the bio- or neurochemical nature of thought.

Have you ever wondered how two people can: suddenly look at each other and have the same exact thought; come up with the same invention, vision or breakthrough despite the fact that they are on opposite sides of the Earth and have never communicated through conventional means; or how you can somehow "feel" when someone is staring at you, or "know" when something has happened to a loved one many miles away?

The study of these phenomena will, I believe lead us to the next great leap in the evolution of our species. I am slightly more excited than I am horrified at this prospect.

The big questions are these:

1) What will happen to my privacy, to the sanctuary of my own thoughts; and

2) Where will my individual identity end and another person's begin?

I am curious. Very much so.

Douglas E. Castle for The Braintenance Blog, The Internationalist Page Blog and The Taking Command Blog.

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Castle's Second Law Of Practical Risk Assessment - Conceptual Thinking.

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Castle's Second Law Of Practical Risk Assessment*:

Business Planners and Project Managers, as well as their affiliated teams should note that "in many cases, the same given risk factors in implementing a new technological tool or 'solution' weigh much more heavily against the benefit factors in a larger, more 'multi-cellular' organization than in its smaller, less-evolved counterpart."
* Sometimes referred to alternatively as Castle's Second Law Of Practical Risk Management or Castle's Second Law Of Practical Risk Evaluation

Or, looked at in a different way...

Business Planners and Project Managers, as well as their affiliated teams should note that "in many cases, the same given risk factors in implementing a new technological tool or 'solution' weigh much more heavily against the benefit factors in a larger, more 'multi-cellular' organization than in its smaller, less-evolved counterpart."
* Sometimes referred to alternatively as Castle's Second Law Of Practical Risk Management or Castle's Second Law Of Practical Risk Evaluation

Braintenance Battalions:

Dear colleagues, friends, readers, followers and curiosity seekers, you expand the scope of virtually every aspect of your intellect, creative ability, visualization powers and neuronal plasticity when you think intensely about a concept. Concepts, especially those which cause you to think of a tremendous number of examples, and to compare and contrast many variables simply make you smarter.

Pondering them distracts you from thinking about the more mundane but unpleasant challenges which face you and allow your mind to unwind.

The above concept (my Second Law), a study in conceit and eponymous versus anonymous publication, is one mentioned in a article which I published in a blog about business and project planning and management.

Ponder this conundrum:

In a situation (in implementing a new technology, for example) where the identified risk factors are exactly the same for two companies, the relative benefits tend to outweigh the relative costs (risk of loss) for the smaller, less complicated company.

1) Why would this be the case?

2) Can you cite some examples?

3)  Do you think that bigger organizations in general (notwithstanding my ridiculous Law) have more to lose than much smaller organizations? And justify your answer logically, philosophically, and Humanistically... might those three different criteria [analysis variables] give you some feelings of conflict?

*Actually, any conflicts between judgment criteria when evaluating a concept further expand the realm and scope of the mind and its miraculous capabilities.

When trying to align these judgment criteria variables, your mind must do a great deal of work; and sometimes, looking at the concept with respect to one variable might lead you to a conclusion which conflicts irreconcilably with that which would apply with respect to another.

This is akin to a type of paradox, and is often the cause for either elimination of some test variables (look at some of the major drug company studies, for example), rationalization, or a bit of an unsettled schizophrenia-like intellectual or even emotional dilemma.

Conceptual Thinking is not for the faint of heart.

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Ignite Creativity - Do Something Boring! [Or Even Take A Nap]

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Beware: Creative Brainlock!

Perplexed by a problem? Is the solution eluding you? Are you running out of ideas and just "sick and tired" of thinking so hard that your head hurts?

This is a very common dilemma for people of average to above average intelligence when they cannot immediately 'sense' or 'see' the solution to a perplexing problem. When they focus too long, the problem seems to become more difficult, and all creative thought regarding a solution seems to retreat further and further away. My Braintenance readers have all suffered from this annoying phenomenon at one time or another.

As Human Beings, it is our nature to reach for the solution to any problem through an immediate association with a comparable past situation.

If our ability to recall such an association does not connect fairly immediately, we quickly become frustrated, and this frustration, itself, starts to shut down our informational access (i.e., the databanks become less accessible) and our creative abilities -- we become worried, annoyed and uninspired.

A laser focus on problem-solving is wonderful, but its effectiveness is very short-lived. If it is not rapidly effective, it tends to get you to re-kindle failed a fashion, it puts you into a repetitive recycling mode. If your laser beam starts to give you a headache and you find yourself vainly reaching for ideas, there are some definite ways of re-igniting that creative spontaneity which seems to be escaping your laser goggles.

We'll discuss these in a bit, but first you may wish to take a quick skim of this article from BigThink's Daily Ideafeed Newsletter to warm you up. When you've finished, please return to this page and I'll provide you with a proven list of wacky and paradoxical creativity stimulators and problem-solving

CREATIVE PROCESSES - An Article From BigThink's IdeaFeed Newsletter, Sept. 9th
Want to Get Inspired? Do Something Boring.

What's the Latest Development?

Tucking a creative problem away at the back of your mind is not necessarily the best way to come up with novel solutions, suggests new research out of the University of California, Santa Barbara. There, researchers asked three groups of people to tackle problems requiring creative solutions after performing one of three activities: engaging in a concentration-heavy task, doing repetitive tasks that allowed the mind to wander, and taking a short rest that required no mental exertion. They found that those people who had been occupied with a boring task performed best on a standard creativity test known as the Unusual Uses Task.

What's the Big Idea?

Researchers believe that while the mind is wandering, a relatively rare state facilitated by rote activities, several different brain regions interact, inspiring new solutions to tired problems. This suggests that the most successful group in the experiment 'resulted from an incubation process' which was 'characterized by high levels of mind wandering,' the researchers write. "So if you’re an aspiring songwriter or a poet with a day job waiting tables, you may be in luck. So long as the restaurant isn’t ridiculously busy, you have placed yourself in a situation that facilitates creative thinking." [read more...]

Solutions For Breaking Out Of "Creative Brainlock" (This last term is a very suitable Lingovation which I invented myself just for you!). These are all effective to different extents for different people. If one doesn't seem to work, be patient; then try the next one on the list. Walk away from the problem at hand and:

1) Spend some time doing a rote, thoughtless or repetitive exercise, either physical or mental. Often, your sought-after solution just seems to miraculously occur to you, as described in the article above, while you are not thinking creatively, and not "forcing" any issue;

2) Take a nap, or 'sleep on it'. Our minds tend to confront problems and solve them while we dream or let them simply wander where they will. The subconscious is a powerful problem-solver (and is also often a problem creator as well);

3) Put your opinions aside, state the problem in simple, direct terms, and interview other persons (variety is best here), whether seemingly expert or largely unqualified, and survey them for their fresh approaches to the solution. You'd be amazed how some of their fresh (and even wildly off-base) thinking spurs your mind into a new and refreshed focus;

4) Put your work aside and listen to you favorite music. It forces your mind and body to think and feel in an entirely different way. It is a powerful, albeit re-energizing distraction. It refreshes your creative juices. Of course I recommend reading The RadioDAZZ Blog in order to find a selection of great music. Sometimes just five or ten minutes of music will do the trick;

5)  If you can, meditate upon hypnotic (repetitive) visual patterns, or simply take some time (5 minutes or less) to run your eyes into a conscious repetitive pattern (stolen from EMDR and RET practitioners) of going from the upper right-hand corner to the lower left-hand corner and then back again -- then do the same type of exercise from your upper left hand corner to your lower right-hand corner. You needn't think while doing this. You eye movements are actually accessing different parts of your brain and providing you with an "access tune-up."

I promise you that any of the above approaches, either alone or in combination with any or all of the others will refresh your creativity and problem-solving ability. My personal theory is that when the mind plays hid-and-seek with an idea (as it knows that we are trying to access it), the best countermeasure is to completely quit our strenuous and futile focus on the problem, and let our miraculous minds solve it for us.

Ironic? Yes. But true.

Douglas E. Castle for The Braintenance Blog and for The Daily Burst Of Brilliance Blog

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